Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Your red lipstick won't be the only thing he'll remember.

The way a product gets promoted is just as important as the product itself. Without great promotion there really is no use of having the product or having a party for it. And just like the book says, "Implicit in each construct must be the following markers, which are indicators for effective promotion and potential growth." (Linda 52) potential grown only happens with great promotion. A big part of promoting the launch party would be promoting the ad in social networks suck as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube. Even if the picture ad will be on a magazine it is also a good idea to share the picture around the web. This will cause a buzz about the product.  And statistics show, "Facebook users alone have uploaded 15 billion photos. Rather than static Web sites that we view or read, the Internet has become the global information technology infrastructure that underpins a rich, interactive, and fully featured way to mash up video, text, and audio to communicate and connect." (Linda 247). More and more information is posted on the web than anywhere else nowadays that is is close to impossible not to get some buzz from a single tweet or a single share of a photo on Facebook. 

Another great way to start promoting the product and the party would be to find a celebrity spokesperson that will vouch for the red-soled shoes. Having a big name like Lucy Hale or Rihanna, someone that really embodies the sexy and glamourous vibe that Christian Louboutin always strives for, can really help with promotion. Consumers maybe not be drawn to the shoe at first, but if they see their favorite celebrity wearing a pair they might think "Oh, I must have a pair of Louboutins!" 

In my case, I thought of the brand strategy of how I'm going to promote my ad and according to the book, "Whether brand strategy is determined before an advertising agency comes on board or developed with agency collaboration, the following must be identified for the brand, group, or individual" (Linda 50) , basically when you have the strategy it could also be a great a idea to do collaborations with other agencies. In my case collaborating with a venue to have the party in. Collaborations can really ad to what you're trying to do and in many cases will give you more press because not only are you doing some promotion but also the other company will start promoting on their own as well. 

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