Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Week 11: Final Evaluation

I enjoyed this class because I learned a lot about advertising in the world and what it means to be a marketer and to be an advertiser. A big part of being in the fashion industry is knowing how to get your product out there. I think it is a struggle for all upcoming fashion graduates to find that source that can really advertise their work.
                  One of the things I really remembered about the class is learning about The Big Idea in the book. It talked about a lot when it comes to the part of making a product or an idea. And a huge part about marketing is understanding your consumers. When you understand what the consumers want you can then start a product that will generate revenue for your company. I thought this chapter was a great start for fashion majors who are interested in designing clothes or accessories. I plan on designing jewelry when I graduate so I will always remember the idea process of making a product.
                  This class was a joy to go to because we were always working. And if we weren’t working on blog posts we were watching a movie about our lecture. I enjoyed the movies because it really tied in with everything that we were learning. One of my favorites was the advertising movie on how ads came to be. Learning about how Apple did their iPod ads and other iconic ads was a great learning experience. It shows that even the greatest of ads come from scratch and it just takes a little work. I was absent twice this quarter because of transportation issues but I believe I still did very well.

EOC Week 6: Vintage Ad


This ad is promoting a soap brand named Tact soap. It claims to keep you fresh, shower fresh. It also advertised as a bath and beauty soap targeted mostly for men. Showed in 1965, the standards for an ad were very different. Most of them are very simplistic and straight to the point. They describe the benefits of the product, show the product, and show the old school dancing. And the main benefit of this product is the Hexachlorophene. This chemical is the anti bacterial property of the soap and is the main focus of this ad. The chemical can also be referred to as Nabac, it is a very common disinfectant. Hexachlorophene is also used in topical cremes as anti-bacterial and anti-infecting agents. And as you can already see, it is part of soaps and tooth paste as well.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

EOC: Week 10: What Channels are you going to do to get your product noticed?

     For my marketing approach I will find out what the current trends are for shoes for the upcoming season. I will then make sure that Christian Louboutin will be all over those trends. After the shoes are in place the advertising team will create looks for girls with the newest shoes. A fabulous photo shoot will then take place to take photos of the shoes and the models selected for the looks. After the photos are edited I will have the team blow up the pictures large enough to be placed on walls. I will throw a big launch party of the new collection. I will invite the most fabulous and the most elite crowd Las Vegas has to offer. There will be raised stages with go go dancers wearing the newest collection of shoes and the elevated stages will help highlight the red soles. I'm going to have an amazing DJ for the party along with a fabulous club set up. I will then find a celebrity spokesperson to advertise the brand even further.
     Getting the people to talk about my event will be easy. There will be signs and billboards all over town about the release party of Christian Louboutin. Not only will there be advertising on the signs but there will be an array of ads on the internet and local news about the party. Everyone in Vegas will see these ads and will definitely start advertising on social networks like Twitter and Facebook. The venue itself for the party will be advertising in itself. The interior will feel like a club: slightly dimmed lights, amazing music, and the ocassional light show here and there. With the raised go go stages to present the new product, everyone will be excited to see the performances and different celebrities that come out to play with Christian Louboutin.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Week 9 EOC: For Those Who Think Young    

      Advertising today that targets young people are seen everywhere. The number one reason marketers choose to target the youth is because they have money to spend, teens especially. Teens have a lot of money to spend on luxury items like clothes and accessories. Teens also usually make their own buying decisions. When marketers realize that this is how teens work, it is only the smart thing to do to advertise for the younger crowd. When marketers advertise for the older people, the younger generation won't necessarily be interested in their products. But when advertised for younger people, both age groups would still be interested. Advertising is so easily seen nowadays that it is almost impossible to go on a computer and not see an ad for something. And most of the time the youth is either on the internet. This is a big way of getting to them, internet ads. From YouTube to Facebook, there are ads everywhere that targets kids and teens.
     A big way of getting to teens are to falsify needs. When I was a teenager I knew I wanted to fit in and wanted the latest phone or latest clothes. Marketers use this to make their ads want teens to fit it and want teens to get the latest technology. And with girls they can do ads of makeup or other beauty ads that will make them feel like they need to buy that product to feel beautiful. I think advertising for the youth will never change only because teens are a good source of money.
     When the younger generation makes ads I feel like it brings a fresh new idea out to the market. Being young and hip, we know all the trends and all the other stuff other young people like. So what better candidates to make ads? In Mad Men they refer to the younger generation as monkeys making ads, but maybe he's wrong. Maybe it is a good idea that the youth try to make ads for other younger  people. It only makes sense.

Analysis of Project in the Real World


       With so many different types of shoes out there, its hard to create a brand that really stands out. Even the text says, "Very few products, services, or groups are unique; most are parity products, that is, they offer qualities and functions similar or identical to those of their competitors. (Linda 50)  But one thing that differentiates Christian Louboutins to other brands is obviously the red soles that you see in their shoes. "Branding and advertising differentiates these parity products, services, and groups in a crowded marketplace," (Linda 50) the branding of Christian Louboutin really took some though on how the color would do. Nowadays, you can obviously tell that when you see a woman in Louboutins you can tell that she is confident, proud, and very classy. So many men and women are so in love with these Italian shoes that so many of them are collectors. 
     Going further with the advertising of the ad, I think the picture speaks for itself and is already a great ad. According to the text, "The creation of an ad can happen in any number of ways. Some people think in words," (Linda 96) but in my case I thought of the picture first before I thought of the slogan. And the book says that "It really does not matter which comes first, as long as both line and visual work synergistically and are based on a solid idea" (Linda 96). 
     I think this product will do extremely well as it already has. I know this because I am not using a spin off product but an actual brand of shoes that make billions of dollars each year. Branding of this group was probably the most important part like it says on the text, " Branding is the creation of a comprehensive, strategic, and unique program for a brand or group, with an eye toward building a relationship with people based on how they experience—interact and use—the brand or group," (Linda 50) The way people react to the red soles is a complete experience. From the purchase of the product to the strut on the red carpet, Christian Louboutin is truly an amazing company. 

Creative Content

     Since my ad will be posted on a magazine, there won't be much of a script but there will be multiple scenes for the photo shoot. One thing about shoots is that you do have to be creative and according to the book, Creative thinking is the ability to stretch beyond the ordinary, to be original, innovative, and flexible. People who think creatively recognize commonalities, visualize metaphorically, modify and elaborate imaginatively, and envision the unlikely." (Linda 33). In order to create a visually appealing advertisement, creativity must be at its peak. One way to really help with planning out things like a commercial or a photo shoot is diagraming the different kinds of scenes you want to do. It helps to draw things out before you start because it it will give you direction and so that you won't get lost in the process of your project. 
     A huge part of promoting the product itself will be the actual ad. The picture of the three Christian Louboutins will be displayed on billboards, flyers, and of course the magazines. When creating a visual for a consumer its important to have a focal point. Like what the book says, "The viewer seeks a point of entry into a composition. The entry can be the focal point, the key component established through visual hierarchy, or a dominant image," (Linda 172) when the viewer looks for the focal point, they usually look in the middle of the picture, with this particular ad there will be multiple focal points which are of course the different shoes. 
     Each promotional event will be a small task. It will consist of handing out flyers and posting on social networds like Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr. The flyers will be posted on these and will be shared on many walls. The promoting team will also ask their colleagues to do the same. This way, there is a lot of advertising going on just for the pre launch party. And the more people come to the party, the more revenue Christian will bring in. 
     The main focus of the launch party will be to showcase the newest Christian Louboutins. With the extravagant stages and the raised go go dancers, this will be no problem. Customers will be able to look at all the shoes and they will be able to decide which ones they want! A great way to get extra revenue is to have people buy straight from the party. There will be sign up sheets for all the shoes, the prices, and if you want to pre order them!


Your red lipstick won't be the only thing he'll remember.

The way a product gets promoted is just as important as the product itself. Without great promotion there really is no use of having the product or having a party for it. And just like the book says, "Implicit in each construct must be the following markers, which are indicators for effective promotion and potential growth." (Linda 52) potential grown only happens with great promotion. A big part of promoting the launch party would be promoting the ad in social networks suck as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube. Even if the picture ad will be on a magazine it is also a good idea to share the picture around the web. This will cause a buzz about the product.  And statistics show, "Facebook users alone have uploaded 15 billion photos. Rather than static Web sites that we view or read, the Internet has become the global information technology infrastructure that underpins a rich, interactive, and fully featured way to mash up video, text, and audio to communicate and connect." (Linda 247). More and more information is posted on the web than anywhere else nowadays that is is close to impossible not to get some buzz from a single tweet or a single share of a photo on Facebook. 

Another great way to start promoting the product and the party would be to find a celebrity spokesperson that will vouch for the red-soled shoes. Having a big name like Lucy Hale or Rihanna, someone that really embodies the sexy and glamourous vibe that Christian Louboutin always strives for, can really help with promotion. Consumers maybe not be drawn to the shoe at first, but if they see their favorite celebrity wearing a pair they might think "Oh, I must have a pair of Louboutins!" 

In my case, I thought of the brand strategy of how I'm going to promote my ad and according to the book, "Whether brand strategy is determined before an advertising agency comes on board or developed with agency collaboration, the following must be identified for the brand, group, or individual" (Linda 50) , basically when you have the strategy it could also be a great a idea to do collaborations with other agencies. In my case collaborating with a venue to have the party in. Collaborations can really ad to what you're trying to do and in many cases will give you more press because not only are you doing some promotion but also the other company will start promoting on their own as well.