Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Week 3 EOC: Thank You For Smoking

1. Determine the scenario: What happens in this frame?

-In this frame a couple seems to be having a lot of fun together while the guy is having an electronic cigarette. 

2. What is the setting? What are the conditions?

-The setting appears to be in a field of flowers on a sunny day.
3. Who are the people or groups?

-These people are young and attractive, giving a message that people who smoke are sexy.
4. What is their point of view around this specific experience?

-Their point in this ad is that life will be happy and you will be attractive if you smoke. And with this specific brand Modern it is trying to tell people that you can smoke anywhere because it is electronic.

5. What are their goals?

-Their goal is to convince more and more people that e-cigarettes are safer even though it really is not. 
6. What are their assumptions? What are their perceptions?

-The developers of this product assume that people are thinking their product is safe. That is why more and more brands of e-cigarettes are coming out. 

7. Are there conflicts? Is there cooperation?

-Yes are are conflicts because when the FDA questioned these products they found that there are traces of nicotine and other chemicals. 
8. What are the outcomes?

-People can still obtain second hand smoke from these products because they are induced with chemicals.

The ads of today are no different from the ads of the past. Even though it is not as abundant , they are still trying to convey the same message: buy our products and smoke. A lot of people are misinformed about electronic cigarettes, including myself. I initially thought that there would be no harmful chemicals or nicotine because companies advertise that "you can smoke anywhere" which could mean that there are no harmful chemicals. But FDA research did show traces of nicotine and chemicals in the electronic cigarettes. The way it works is liquid is heated in the product which contains nicotine and creates a vapor that imitates smoke. There are still a lot of study going on about the electronic gadgets and until then the only way to keep safe from smoking is to not smoke at all.

A big struggle in Nevada is second hand smoking. There has been a debate whether or not smoking should be banned in the casinos. I think this would be a good idea because a lot of people are getting affected by second hand smoke even if  its in certain areas. Smoke still travels to different places of the casino. Elderly, children, everyone is getting affected, not just the smokers themselves. And second hand smoke is even worse because it is not being filtered. Studies on electronic smoke might make second hand smoke a little better but people are still not sure. Nobody would be able to tell the difference between the vapors. Even the actual product itself is very similar to a real cigarette so how can anyone really tell if it is electronic or the real thing? It is almost impossible. So I say cigarettes should just be banned at casinos.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

EOC Week 2: Three Examples of Questionable Ethics

This is a great example of unethical advertising. When a company advertises their products they normally have a target audience in mind. Sisley is a clothing company and this picture shows two young girls as if they are snorting the dress, the underlying message here is snorting cocaine or some other type of drug. You can also see a credit card on the picture with white powder on it, which also looks like it really could be a drug.The caption "fashion junkie" kind of explains that these girls are addicted to Sisley clothes. Kind of like how cocaine addicts are referred to as cocaine junkies. I can understand why Sisley chose this type of picture and this type of message. They are saying that their clothes are addicting but the message that is sent to shoppers is a very unethical one. This shows people that it is okay to be doing drugs. Such a message can really make people think twice about going in to another Sisley store and shopping.

This ad campaign is trying to tell people that it is better to be unfaithful to your girlfriend than cheating your workout. This poster was found at a gym in Germany who was affiliated with Reebok trying to tell their members to get the most out of their workouts. This campaign was not a global attempt but because of the offensive slogan it got global attention. Such slogans should be avoided by all companies. This slogan also makes it seem like Reebok is a sexist company saying that it is okay for guys to cheat on girls. The posters were later taken down because of the fuss that it made.

When you think PETA what normally comes to mind? Usually I think of people who try and make sure animals aren't harmed. But to PETA ads really help? This picture shows meat that are sliced open and in the center a girl who is hanged in chains with half of her body gone and the other half sliced open. They keep trying to force a message that humans are unethical by eating meat but with ads and slogans are just as bad. This doesn't really make me want to go vegan. This ad disgusts me and makes me think badly of them.

Week 1 EOC: My Voice

People are often afraid of fashion. Not knowing what to wear to a certain event like a wedding, a black tie party, a red carpet event. As an aspiring stylist I want to rid the world of that fear. Fashion is a way of speaking to others without really saying a word. Most people nowadays judge others first by the way they dress and the way they look. The way we dress can really tell others a lot about ourselves. But more importantly, the way we dress can impact where our careers can go. Fashion is a universal commodity that both men and women truly need. Let's face it, not everyone can dress themselves. That is exactly why they can hire stylists and other professionals to make sure that they look good for special events or on a daily basis. But aside from styling I also want to start my own jewelry collection. Jewelry is my favorite part of styling an outfit. It can add edginess, flirty, girly, rock and roll, or a touch of elegance to any outfit. With my jewelry line I want to create pieces that are very edgy and abstract. A lot of geometric shapes, spikes, leather, and different kinds of metals would be used. My main focus would be on statement rings, necklaces, and earrings. Such pieces can really tie a look together.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

EOC Week 1: VW Lemon

“However, one campaign did much more than boost sales and build a lifetime of brand loyalty. It's the 1960s ad campaign for the Volkswagen Beetle. It, and the work of the ad agency behind it, changed the very nature of advertising,from the way it's created to what you see as a consumer today.”

“What made the Volkswagen Beetle ad campaign so radical? Ads before it were either information-based and lacking in persuasion, more fantasy than reality, or reliant on the medium's ability to deliver repeated exposure.”

“Many great ads have come along since 1960. However, none made a greater lasting impact than the Volkswagen Beetle ad campaign. The industry trade publication, Advertising Age, named it No. 1. It gets an equally strong endorsement here as well.”

“Created by Julian Koenig and art director Helmut Krone, they set about to create an advertisement that would set VW out from the crowd. Doing something that nobody else was doing at the time. They had “simplicity in mind, contradicting the traditional association of automobiles with luxury”.

What made the Volkswagen Lemon ad so controversial? Well, one dire factor was that some people thought they were buying Hitler's favorite car only a decade and a half after the war. Some saw the ad as a joke when the page was half empty and the car was so small that you could barely see the product. And the famous Lemon ad described that the car has a flaw. It had a minor error on the dashboard of a car, hardly a lemon. This "bashing" ad was meant to give humor to its audience. That in itself is a new approach to advertising. Back then most of the ads were information-based and didn't really have a persuading intent. The beetle ads were simple. They were able to reach out and relate to the audience to an emotional level while showing what the product is all about. Everything about these ads changed the way advertising is today. Instead of putting a picture of the product and announcing its price, people now study the way advertising can inform, persuade, and promote in a whole new different way. A more effective way.

The different approach of the Volkswagen ad was something to talk about back in the 60's. Whether it was bad or good,people were still talking. Sometimes this can be the motive of an ad. to create controversy to try and sell their product. We see this today in many ads that try to show us controversial topics that relate to their product. And it was to no surprise that many other companies tried to copy Doyle Dane Bernbach's creative way of making ads. It was around this time in the 60's where creativity really exploded. There were a lot of other great ads during this time, but none really made an impact the way the Beetle ads did. In fact it was named number one by the Advertising Age.